Date: Jun 12, 2017 03:15 pm Title: You Oughta Be in Pictures (concl.)
ah the time lapse is much more clearer for me now lol. I do believe only Layota knows and the rest of the family have an inking of what's going on between mj and jess but we shall see who finds out first amongst the men they are clueless for a reson lol.
Author's Response: I agree with you since LaToya has seen Michael and Jessica together. Yes, we shall see... :) Ikr :D

Date: Jun 09, 2017 03:38 pm Title: You Oughta Be In Pictures (cont.)
oh dear Jess should have not said that last part I just hope it doesn't back fire on her..being lost in the moment and blunting that out to the agent of all people! lol. But i can't blame her getting a chance to audition for 'the wiz' is a big deal!. I should take the chance if i were and somehow find a way to juggle both classes and this job this could be the big break she's wanted. we shall how it all turns out soon.
Author's Response: Yes we shall see :)
Date: Jun 07, 2017 10:42 am Title: You Oughta Be In Pictures (cont.)
great chapter can't wait for more ðŸ˜
Author's Response: Ty, hope you'll enjoy what comes next :)
Date: Jun 07, 2017 04:14 am Title: You Oughta Be In Pictures (cont.)
Oh Oh, they're no secret anymore or the agent doesn't believe her? I can't wait to read more
Author's Response: They do seem to be breaking their cover as it were...Will have to see if the agent believes her or not. :).

Date: Jun 06, 2017 02:50 am Title: You Oughta Be In Pictures (cont.)
Aw poor Jess trying to figure what she's going to do. She should try the play but go see the movie first. I hope she likes I've never seen the film lol.
Author's Response: ikr...I've seen both, the play is actually better...impo :)
Date: May 30, 2017 04:43 pm Title: You Oughta Be In Pictures (cont.)
The vibe I get from La Toya is she is easily influenced, and prone to believe whatever she hears, regardless of whether it's true or not.
Spoiler alert for my readers: Later in the story, Jessica will be accused of a crime, and La Toya will join the others who believe the worst about Jessica...
Author's Response: Last thing Michael needs is someone believing the worst about Jessica...smh. Let's hope La Toya will wise up.

Date: May 30, 2017 05:16 am Title: You Oughta Be In Pictures (cont.)
Poor Jess trying to resist a flirting fool but somehow she gets a acting agency but who know if its real or fake? It was nice of her to surprise Michael and Latoya is nice? That's surprising lol. I'm glad they get along. I just hope she doesn't end up tricked but we shall see lol.
Author's Response: Yeah, Leroy is persistent alright. Jessica has her dad's flare for checking into things to make sure everything is on the level. Yes, that was nice of her to surprise her man :). And LaToya...ikr? Who knows with that girl...yes, we shall see. :)
Date: May 29, 2017 12:58 pm Title: You Oughta Be In Pictures (cont.)
I'm glad Jess can spend time with Michael in New York
Author's Response: I am too :)...

Date: May 22, 2017 03:38 pm Title: You Oughta Be In Pictures
You made a time skip. It was a little confusing but I got it towards the end lol. Poor Jess I'm glad she didn't listen to that wanker of a teacher! Mj shouldn't listen to those nasty teasing from his family or that ignorant who clearly should know he wouldn't stay an adorable child forever. She needed her head examined smh.
Author's Response: Yeah, I thought the time skip was a little confusing...my bad lol. Ikr, that teacher...smh :(...lol. And MJ's family and that so called fan... What a stupid, looks conscious industry Michael grew up in...smh.
Date: May 22, 2017 02:36 pm Title: You Oughta Be In Pictures
Glad Jess' father is still ok (all those years later) and the donor heart is accepted
Why are some people so mean? I'm glad Michael has Jessica by his side
Author's Response: Yes...Donovan is one of the lucky ones... Ikr? I am too... :)

Date: May 16, 2017 03:33 pm Title: The Opportunity of a Lifetime (concl.)
Woah what an opportunity for Jess to get a job and have a chance to be with mj at the same time lol. I hope they will be careful to not get themselves exposed or become too lost in each other. Hopefully Joesph won't be too suspicious but knowing him he will be. Working the kids like damn slaves with all that recording I understand hard work but at same time they need a break. Oh well lol.
Author's Response: Ikr...Seems Jessica is in the right place at the right time as they say. They seem to be using discretion but we'll see... Oh I know... with Joseph it's all work and no play...one gets the feeling Joseph sees his boys as his meal ticket... Yes, oh well...lol
Date: May 16, 2017 04:23 am Title: The Opportunity of a Lifetime (concl.)
Smh at Joseph and his thinking of money and calling names, no words for that man smh
On the other side I'm happy Jessica will join them and stay longer in the States :)
Author's Response: Ikr?...smh Oh I am too :)...
Date: May 14, 2017 11:44 am Title: The Opportunity of a Lifetime (cont.)
Yay they moved in together :) hopefully with the money she saved she can use that money for her education and stay with Michael permanently instead of needing to go back to the Uk for a longer period of time like last time
Author's Response: Ikr :D... That would be good, and she wouldn't have to stay at the dorms, lol :)
Date: May 13, 2017 02:00 pm Title: The Opportunity of a Lifetime (cont.)
I'm glad Jessica's father is ok
smh at Joseph does that man think of something else than money?
Author's Response: I am too Oh I know... smh

Date: May 13, 2017 02:24 am Title: The Opportunity of a Lifetime (cont.)
Florence is such a fake I don't like her. Jess's dad sent her away for a reason holiday to enjoy herself with mj and take her mind off his health. Joseph needs to shut up one of these days. Mj can't visit a friend?? He should be kept in a bottle and work is that his good for? Ugh the man irks me smh.
Author's Response: I'm with you... Florence seems to be overstepping the boundaries of her relationship with Jessica's dad Oh I agree... Ikr?... Perhaps someone else will stand up to Joseph as Katherine has been brave enough to do...