Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 09, 2015 10:30 am Title: Chapter 46

Lawd this chapter! I died and came back then died again! The shade at Genevieve. Chile know damn well she can't sing. Stevanna really is Janet's twin though. And LaToya will never not be a ditzy ass mess. I'm so glad they were able to convince Michael to come! I l knew it wouldn't be til the end of the damn chapter tho *side eyes you* lmao but now I'm excited to read the next chapter when it's up and hopefully you don't make us wait too long. Tegan is GORGEOUS and she looks amazing. Her skin, that dress, just everything. I like how they fabricated those texts a bit but it was still the truth. Camille was right to read between the lines because that's exactly how Tegan felt. She couldn't even lie to herself about not wanting to see Michael. I cannot wait to see how this evening will go. It's great that everybody seems to like Tegan so far but I can't help but wonder what will happen if they know Michael and Tegan's history, and more importantly how they will feel if they end up together. Or shall I say when.. Lol. Lastly, lawd knows I love when Janet Damita Jo is reading and shading folks! I hope that will continue. Can't wait for the next chapter. Michael still wants his Tiger. 

Author's Response:

Hey girl ;) I'm glad you like this chapter, the shade was for you because I know you love it! Janet delivered with the digs at her family, right? lol

I went on youtube and listened to Genevieve and indeed, she is not the best of singer :/ Stevanna looks so much like Janet! Have you seen her tweets about her being mad people compared her Janet lmao?

Tegan really is gorgeous, If i were Michael I would be checking her out too. Her real name is Sharam Diniz, she's is a model :) I can't wait to know how the family will react to Michael and Tegan together... IF it happens of course... ;-)

Yay for Michael coming! And you know me, I keep the good stuff for the end :D.

See? I only made you wait five days for the new chapter, :). I hope you like it and it makes you laugh as much as this one :))

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 08, 2015 10:32 pm Title: Chapter 45

First I'm getting on Marc and Grace's shade lmaoooo had me rolling! But anyway...girl I feel so bad on Michael's part. He really loves Tegan and he's still wants her. I couldn't imagine seeing the person I love the most being engaged with someone my nephew! That's a killer right there. A knife right to the heart. Poor Michael. 

But Katherine is right. Tegan is a working girl and still young. She is not having no damn kids no time soon. To be honest she is not ready to be someone's wife. Girlfriend more than anything but not a wife. It all seems rushed to me. Tegan is just trying to brush off the past. She doesn't fool me.

Loved this chapter!

more as soon as you can! :)))) <3333

Author's Response:

HA! I love the shade lool :)

More like Tegan is ready to married anybody! Could be the guy from the pizza store lmao

Reviewer: ebonypocahontas Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 08, 2015 09:44 pm Title: Chapter 46

This is so interesting. Poor Regan if she ends up marrying TJ she is going to slip up and start fucking Mike on the low because she is in love with him and craves him still. Poor TJ. He is going to be on Tegan like white on rice the whole time his uncle is at the engagement party. One wrong move and they are going to be fucking in a bathroom, closet or or somebody's bedroom smh. This whole situation is so petty at the moment and so painful to keep reading about. 

Author's Response:

LOOOOL! Hopefully it doesn't go that far ;-)

The new chapter is here, thank you for the review new reader :D

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 08, 2015 07:41 pm Title: Chapter 46

Roflmao @ Camille's outfit. So classy. Lol. She just doesn't give a fuck and I think I love it.

Also rolling at the Genevieve shade. Pretty much right on the nose.

Can't wait to see what happens next. I could almost feel Michael eye-fucking Tegan. Lol.

I feel sorry for TJ but he'll get over it. Eventually. 

Author's Response:

HAHA! I love Camille ;') she's hilarious!

The new chapter is here and you can now now how the dinner went ;) Thank you for the review and the rate :D

Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 08, 2015 07:25 pm Title: Chapter 46

Man I can't wait for what happens next!!!!!

Author's Response:

The new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 19, 2015 07:33 am Title: Chapter 45

No, Mike, no. You need to put your big boy pants on and go to the reunion. Fight for your girl man! 

I'm really glad he has a good friend like Mark though. He's the type of person he really needed in real life. 

Loved the chapter and please update soon. :)


Author's Response:

I agree with you, I wish Michael would have had like Mark. He really cares for Michael.

The new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 18, 2015 09:46 am Title: Chapter 45

Omg no he has to go. These two have to see each other again so that the feelings Tegan has convinced herself don't exist will resurface.

Yeah I have been team TJ in the first part of this story but its obvious Tegan is saying yes to TJ because she wants to get married and have a wedding. TJ could be anyone decent. Poor TJ. Tegan is not being fair to him. Maybe you should set him up with Camille lol.

There is a large maturity difference between Tegan and TJ and even with no Michael in the picture, it is a huge problem. She is ready to settle down whereas I'm not sure he is. He is in love and insecure and I think that is the real reason he wants to get married, to 'lock her down" so she won't leave. Throw in Tegans feelings for MJ and you have a disaster. 

If Tegan isn't honest with herself and TJ soon, she will be just as trifling as My a.

I hope the fact that Michael has no kids yet means he told Debbie to shove it. If he exercises a bit of humility in approaching Tegan this time she will probably let him knock her up. 


Author's Response:

Hey Camille! I can't fait for Michael and Tegan's reunion! I remembered when you were one of the first to beg Tegan to have sex with TJ and have baby with eyebrows on fleek lmao!

Maybe TJ and Camille together isn't a bad idea. Even if she is older than TJ, she is free-minded and doesn't seem to give a fuck about the future too much. A perfect match in heaven lol! She will bring the crazy he needs in his life.

I agree with you on the maturity point; they say woman are much more mature than men, so imagine dating a man younger than you lool.

Let's hope Tegan will snap out of her obliviousness before it's too late. I'm sure it's going to get ugly once she sees Michael again.

"If he exercises a bit of humility in approaching Tegan this time she will probably let him knock her up. " LMAOOOOO

I adore your reviews, they are always so funny loool. The new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 17, 2015 09:48 am Title: Chapter 45

Mark SLAYYYYYEEEEEDD! He pulled it and told the truth. I'm sorry but Tegan ass tried it and FAILED! She knows that was outta line to even ask him to do that, and furthermore, if I maybe honest, this all sounds like a bs ass excuse and cop-out on why they haven't set a date or made any real plans to get married. Tegan knows deep down she don't really wanna marry TJ. And as I said before TJ only proposed to her as a means to "win" her over from Michael. Marlon definitely needs to convince Michael to go to the Jackson Family Day. Once him and Tegan see each other, they'll both realize their feelings for one another have not changed. Michael is going to wanna impregnate her in his old bedroom at Hayvenhurst. Lmao. It's good to see he doesn't have kids yet, just sit tight Michael. Something tells me there won't be a need for Debbie. He needs to come correct this time. It's go big or go home. 

Author's Response:

LMAO! Tegan is crazy as hell! She really thought Mark do the dirty job for her! You're right, they need to see each other and see if their feelings for each other are still as storng as before. And maybe she will realized she likes the idea of getting married more than TJ too?

"Michael is going to wanna impregnate her in his old bedroom at Hayvenhurst"


TJ is here! Knowing him, he won't let Tegan go to the bathroom by himself if Michael is at Hayvenhurst too lmao! But I bet Michael wish he could!

Yeah, it's kind of bittersweet that Michael doesn't have any children yet. One one hand, he has been dying to have some for the longest so I can understand why it could depressing but, I'm sure he would love to share this experience with a woman he loves even more!

Michael has nothing to lose so a little bird is telling he will go big lol


The new chapter is here and thank you for the funny review lmao x)


Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 17, 2015 04:28 am Title: Chapter 45

Oh no!!! He is gonna go find regain! Let the fireworks begin

Author's Response:

Yes lool

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2015 08:12 pm Title: Chapter 45

Tegan needs to realize that things with TJ are wrong for a reason. It's fate trying to tell her to get her ish together and be with someone she's really in love with. She's more in love with the idea of a wedding and being adored, than anything else.

Nooo he can't skip it. Please make Michael and Tegan get caught alone together.  For more than a fraction of a second.

Author's Response:

Hey Redone :D

You know how oblivious Tegan is. She has her mind set on getting married so she is ignoring the signs :/ I totally agree with you, Tegan loves he idea of getting married. Mark would have proposed, she would have said yes.

The new chapter is here , enjoy :DD

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 16, 2015 07:58 pm Title: Chapter 45

Ohhh poor Mikey.. come here baby I will comfort you... damnnnn you Tegan. And damn you T.J. yo don't even want to get married. He just wants to beat Michael at something. Man I would love it if Michael shows up to family day saying he's getting married to Mya and beat their announcement. Just to save face. ohhh sorry I'm bad but I just hate this. Tegan isp a chicken shit. She cares about TJ but will never love him the way she loves Mike. Please update soon!!!! Your killing me... I'm having seriously LWL withdrawals

Author's Response:

LOOOOOOLLLL! I don't think Michael would show up with Mya anytime soon lmao.

The new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 28, 2015 08:57 am Title: Chapter 44

Another fix in such a short time. A junkies wish come true. Lol. 

Im just grab my popcorn and enjoy the drama parade that's about to roll in. Really interested in seeing where you're going to go from here. :)

Author's Response:

Yeah! Come get your fix because the new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 27, 2015 02:20 pm Title: Chapter 44

I can't wait for this reunion to go down! I see that Michael's feelings for her haven't changed one bit. And as for Tegan, something tells me her control may have weakened with time and she may crack and end up riding Mike Jr. in one of Katherines coat closets. Can't wait to see it. And if you throw Camille into the party as a guest it is going to be a mess. 

I hope that Mike has brought the ego down to earth a bit and hasn't gone knocking up Debbie Rowe in the year that has passed. And as for Tegan, she better not go marrying TJ if she still has feelings for Michael. That would be really fucked up and surpass the level of fuckery that was Mike dating Mya. 


Author's Response:

Hello Camille :D You don't know what you got til it's gone!

LMAOOO! That would so disrespectful to Miss Katherine. Let's hope Tegan and Michael keep it in their pants lmao! And you KNOW Camille is going to be here to fuck shit up. I actually love her, she is so much fun!

You'll know about if Michael took Debbie's offer or not on the next chapter :) And about Tegan and TJ's getting married... You'll have to wait :) They are just engaged ;-)

Thank you for the review and the rate <33

Reviewer: MommaE Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 27, 2015 04:49 am Title: Chapter 44

Love this story...please update sooner

Author's Response:

Thank you! The new chapter is online

Reviewer: Fire-in-her-veins Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 27, 2015 01:12 am Title: Chapter 44

Dammmmnnn i dont want her to go through with the engagement! She would be happier with Michael. Just saying. Love this update more!

Author's Response:

Thank you ;) The new chapter is here :)

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