Reviews For Little White Lies
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Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 26, 2015 11:19 pm Title: Chapter 44

Excellent! Please, keep going!


Author's Response:

The new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 26, 2015 10:10 pm Title: Chapter 44

Lmao the Genevieve shade!!!! I am cackling! Poor thing. Aside from looking like Randy in a wig, she can't sing huh? Tragic lol. Oh well, being a Jackson is good enough. And this Mason person is asking to read for filth! Hating on Tegan. She will shut him down! Now for the good stuff.. I almost feel a lil bad for Michael. He's gonna be crushed when he learns that Tegan is engaged to TJ. Especially in front of the whole family. Mark needs to tell him beforehand. Chile this is about to be MESSY! 

Author's Response:

The shade was all for youuuu *in my best Janet Jackson voice*. You'll hear more about Mason. He is on a mission to make Tegan's life hell! SOmeone needs to warn Michael and quick!

The new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 26, 2015 09:47 pm Title: Chapter 44

LOL. Yeah, I am.  :) Let me know if you ever have any ideas for this place.

Randy (who seems to be permanently living at Hayvenhurst)


Shoot, I'm too lazy. Multiply that for the LaToya, Genevive, Jermaine, and Joe shade.

No Camille.


Wait, bring Camille and have TJ fall madly in love with her. Yes, that would work

Now excuse me while I go celebrate two updates on this story in one week <3


Author's Response:

LMAOOO. I was being mean with Randy but we know it's the truth... ha! And Genevieve... All you have to do is listen to her song with Omer Bhatti to see.

Aww, why don't you want to see Camille? She is fun loool :)

Well you can continue to celebrate because I've updated again :)

Enjoy the new chapter :D

Reviewer: MJSWIFEY Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 24, 2015 09:51 am Title: Chapter 43

Omg... thank you, for updating. I thought you had given up on the story. God I hope they don't get married. TJ loves her but is seems like he's not in love. It  seems he just wanted to beat Michael. So he purposes but still isn't read for marriage. So the engagement was just to so Tegan wouldn't doubt that she made the right choice to stay with TJ instead of going with Michael. Hopefully when she sees him again, he had moved on with his life and is happy. That would be a slap in the face to her too. Maybe even gotten secretly married. I would love it if he arrives looks beautiful and sexy. Ooooh come on girl please update soon!!!!!

Author's Response:

Noooo, I just had a lot of work but I'm back with an update :D

Maybe Tegan will think like you when she eventually see Michael ;) The new chapter is here :D

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2015 05:42 am Title: Chapter 43

I'm like :P 

a lot can happen in a year alright lmao! Marriage?

I'm just speechless!

And where is Mike? His ass in hiding! That's where he is.

i missed this story :) great chapter!

Author's Response:

Michael makes a slight appearance in the new chapter ;-)

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2015 01:48 am Title: Chapter 43

Yeeeaaass! Your back! You have no idea how happy I am to see an update, I was itching for my fix. Lol 

So they're engaged... Interesting *cough,cough* still team Michael.

I'm extremely curious to see her reaction when she sees Mike again, and his as well. By the way I absolutely love your sense of humor. It's one of the reasons of why I come back. 

I'm looking forward to more. :)

Author's Response:

LOOL, thank you <33

I can't wait to see how Tegan will react. She will either lose her control or ignore him, no in between lol. I remembered your review when I wrote chapter 44, and I tried to make it even funnier for you :D

Your fix is here :D

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2015 12:47 am Title: Chapter 43

Wow, a year later and it seems like a year later since we had the last update! Lmao. Anyway, I won't get on you too bad but chile you know you can't have us waiting like this! Now on to the main event... Lmao at all the Kim Whoredashian shade and the shade Grace was throwing. Yassss, you know I love the shade. Lol. Tegan is a bad chick and any man would be happy to have her on his arm. She's smart, gorgeous and independent almost to a fault. She's an all around woman. However, this engagement with TJ.. Chile. Imma just say it. I don't think he's ready to marry her, I think he proposed because he felt like he needed to in order to keep her. Being engaged to Tegan is basically like him putting a place holder there, know what I mean? Like a "ok I claimed you so you can go anywhere and this ring will just be to keep you around enough to know I'm serious until I figure out the next plan" kinda thing. I really feel like he sees Tegan as his prize, he "won" her over Michael, and that engagement is another slap in the face to him. I do think TJ loves Tegan, but I don't think he's ready for marriage at ALL. That's why he keeps asking her to be patient until he's ready.. Boy bye! You shoulda been ready when your ass proposed to her! He will never plan this wedding because there won't be one! Smh. The fact that he's still worried about what will happen when she sees Michael speaks volumes. He's only engaged to her so he won't be able to get her anymore. Period. 

I can't wait to see what does happen when Michael sees her though. It's been a year and I'm sure his feelings haven't changed for her at all. But I'm still not here for him. Lol. 

Author's Response:

"Wow, a year later and it seems like a year later since we had the last update!"

I'm trying girl, trust me lmao :)

I know you love the shade and trust me, I'll try to fill all my chapter with some lol :) You're not the only one to think that about TJ and Tegan's engagement. But remember how she planned Moira's wedding like it's her own? The girl wants to be married so much she can't see clearly. She needs to see the light! Let's see how long she waits for TJ to marry her!

Haha! Tbh, I'm team Happy Tegan no matter with who she ends up :)

The new chapter is here, enjoy. And thank u for the review! Love you, girl <3

Reviewer: Redone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2015 10:05 pm Title: Chapter 43

You are back! Yep, there have been quite a few changes....and that was one of them. We have some more (positive!) ones on the way :)

“However, it says you’re an upgrade from TJ’s ex. This applies to 98% of the women in the world. You’re good”

That damn two percent. Screwing it up for the rest of us. At least that ex hasn't landed a "catch".

I like the contast you created; at the start of the story, everyone else had all the luck. With this chapter, it is clear that it's Tegan's turn.

I still don't really feel Tegan's love for TJ. I feel like she is in love with the fact that he is reliable and devoted to her....but not to him. She didn't even want him to follow her into the shower. I can't wait to see what happens when she's brought back face to face with Michael.

Author's Response:

"You are back! Yep, there have been quite a few changes....and that was one of them. We have some more (positive!) ones on the way :)"

Hold up... You're an admin

I didn't know that lol!

Thank you for this review :) I thought it was about time Tegan gets some happiness. And it will be complete once she eventually walks down the aisle. With TJ or someone else... ^^

The new chapter is here, enjoy :D


Reviewer: Redone Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 27, 2015 07:28 pm Title: Chapter 1

2 months :( Please, Annie!

Author's Response:

Hheeeyyyyy Redone! I am so so so sorry for the wait. I have been swamped with work and as you know, I'm re-reading my stories to correct the typos. I've just finished correcting Twenty Foreplay and I have decided to update all of my story before correcting another one.

It has been two months, already ?? >.< Many things have changed! I wanted to add a chapter and I saw new rules that indicated that there would be no roleplaying on this site. I see the admins heard the complaints lol!

But enough with my life lol! I hope you enjoy this brand new chapter. Expect my other stories to be updated too :)

Reviewer: KekeJackson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 27, 2015 03:01 am Title: Chapter 42

.........................................................happy for her i giess.....(imso bias that i was just shaking my head the whole dang time) ITS BEEN FOREVER!!! LOL ok im good now

Author's Response:

Sorrryyyy. The new chapter is here :)

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2015 08:51 pm Title: Chapter 42

I'm most likely in the minority here and I do agree that Michael has some fault in what happened but so does Tegan, and of course Mya as well, but seeing that she's mostly likely not in the picture in anymore she doesn't matter. 

Now I get Michael did hurt her by sticking with Mya and all, but she was the one do pull a catfish like scenario on mike to begin with. And Mya... Well she took advantage of that and didn't come clean. 

I don't really see how Michael could know right away because neither of them told him. You see a picture of someone and that someone actually turns out to be real, I'm pretty sure you assume that the person you see with the same face on her profile is the person you're talking too. In total, mike was deceived. 

Now I'm not trying to paint mike as the innocent victim here cause he does have his ow issues and all, but really it was Tegans mistake that started the most of this giant cluster f@ck. 

Author's Response:

I think most of my readers agree that Michael has some fault but he is not the only one to be blamed. They wouldn't be in this situation if they all had been honest. But what is done, is done!

The new chapter is online, enjoy :)

Reviewer: 4theloveofMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 25, 2015 08:25 am Title: Chapter 42

Hmm...I wonder if TJ's marriage proposal will wake up the "Tiger" in Tegan! lol! Love this story! 

Author's Response:

LOOOOL, maybe it will ;)

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2015 02:39 pm Title: Chapter 42

Yassssssss! Finally Tegan, yassss bitch yassss! About time she stood up for herself and told Michael what he NEEDS to hear and not wanna know or hear. I sincerely hope he takes heed to every damn word she said because it was the complete and honest truth. He's not in a position to question her, her decisions and damn sure not demand ultimatums! Tegan is entitled to still not be over that Mya shit cuz it was trifling. I still wanna cut that bitch smh. Anyway, I'm really happy Tegan is standing up for herself. She's been too damn timid for too damn long. Michael needs to sit and really think about what she said. How he is a spoiled brat and used to getting what he wants simply because of who he is. That surrogate shit should really hit home for his ass. And I hope Tegan and TJ do get engaged, to further stab Michael in the heart. He needs to truly GET IT! Because if it wasn't clear before, it damn sure needs to be now. Michael is NOT deserving of her, at least not yet. Nope. 

Author's Response:

Hey girl! LMAOO, I swear to God I read your 'Yas bitch yas' with SOulja Boy's voice in my head!

I hope Michael takes a look at the man in the mirror and ask him to make a change (see what I did there). Hopefully, he'll understand and be more mature thanks to this.

The new chapter is (finally) here, enjoy :))

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2015 01:51 pm Title: Chapter 42

And another review! Yo! Tj gettin a little too cocky about him and Tegan. Tegan can fuss at Michael all she wants but the feelings she has for just can't brush that under the rug. Tegan trying to brush it under the rug. She's going to explode one day. Michael needs to stop acting young too! Gettin on my damn nerves lmao

Author's Response:

LOOOOL, The two of them need to work their ass off for Tegan. But I guess TJ is ahead since Tegan chose him :o

Reviewer: camilleianPYT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 24, 2015 08:31 am Title: Chapter 42

Finally, FINALLY Tegan grew a spine. Girl this moment was like 20 chapters overdue. I'm proud of her! I hope she never goes back to her doormat ways. 

Moira, gtfo.

Michael also needed to be told. She should have done it a long time ago. You can't claim you love someone and then have a backup on speeddial for when the woman you "love" won't accept your ultimatums. And giving Tegan a poster of yourself as a gift?  Grow the fuck up man. 

I'm actually happy with this outcome because honestly,Michael really had not done anything this whole story to deserve her. Its bittersweet though because they could have had something great. So close yet so far......

Author's Response:

LMAO, sorry! But better late than never, right?

Michael has some serious lessons to learn if he wants a woman like Tegan. She is standing up for herself she won't be with a man who doesn't appreciate her for who she is. Michael better get his life!

Bittersweet but it's not the end of the story yet :)) (That would have been a beeautiful ending tho lmao)

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