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Reviewer: MJfreak23 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 08, 2015 05:55 am Title: Chapter 11 - Sweet Revenge - Marco Polo

This is gonna be a long weekend for poor Michael, I can see it already! LOL! He's gonna go stir-crazy being trapped in the house with a tempting Jordyn around him 24/7 and not being able to do anything to her............

Author's Response:

By Monday, either they'll do it, or he'll be in a lunatic asylum...

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 08, 2015 05:39 am Title: Chapter 11 - Sweet Revenge - Marco Polo

If he doesn't have a heart attack first,  probably after that he'll kill them 

Author's Response:

Yeah, just shoot Michael from the hospital bed "you did why with my daughter?!"

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 08, 2015 04:52 am Title: Chapter 11 - Sweet Revenge - Marco Polo

She better still be a virgin by the time it's Monday 


Author's Response:

Haha it could be worse! At least they're actually in love, not just a couple of teens. Robert would kill them if he ever found out.

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 07, 2015 05:22 pm Title: Chapter 10 - Sweet Revenge - Soaking Ecstasy

Yaaaaasss honey! Claps and all it was hot! Loved the chapter girl!

Author's Response:

Thanks! There should be another chapter out tonight.

Reviewer: shellymjbean1989 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07, 2015 05:18 pm Title: Chapter 10 - Sweet Revenge - Soaking Ecstasy

i think the time for them to have sex is any time im looking forward to the full sex scene great chapter cant wait to read more of this great story 

Author's Response:

When they're ready, it will be big.

Reviewer: Badgirl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 07, 2015 11:48 am Title: Chapter 10 - Sweet Revenge - Soaking Ecstasy

Janet non resisterà a lungo se ne andrà via per lasciarli finalmente soli. Jordyn ha fatto dell'ottimo sesso con Michael e chi lo sa forse si innamoreranno 

Author's Response:

Non so che cosa Janet si aspettava di trovare dietro quella porta, ma lei sta per avere a giocare arbitro tra i due piccioncini, o potrebbero finire per fare qualcosa che non dovrebbero, soprattutto ora che Michael ha introdotto Jordyn per contatto sessuale al di fuori del rapporto sessuale. Sarà un po 'Hellcat in camera da letto!

Reviewer: MJfreak23 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07, 2015 08:55 am Title: Chapter 10 - Sweet Revenge - Soaking Ecstasy

Dang, Jordyn! She was really eager to repay him, huh? LOL! Janet definitely got what she deserved, going around picking locks and stuff! It's gonna be one crazy week........

Author's Response:

It's all new and exciting to her, I guess, and she was brought up like that - if someone does something nice for you, you do something equivalent for them. Michael's corrupted her innocence now! With his coaching, they'll be like the God and goddess of sex!

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 07, 2015 06:23 am Title: Chapter 10 - Sweet Revenge - Soaking Ecstasy

Kinda feel bad Janet,  she's stuck with those two horny lovebirds lol 

I bet they be experimenting a lot till they can go all the way

Author's Response:

Yeah, and not just experimenting with sex, but with Janet's nerves too. She could just leave! Although I don't know what she expected to find behind that locked door!!

Reviewer: shellymjbean1989 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07, 2015 12:42 am Title: Chapter 9 - Sweet Revenge - Worshipping the Woman

man such a hot ending it was not too soon for them to do what they did and we all know janet was listening on the other side of the bedroom door cant wait to read the next great amazing chapter hope its as hot as this one if not hotter keep the amazingly great writing coming 

Author's Response:

I'm just levin work now. I started the next chapter earlier today, so I'll finish ad post it. It might not be as hot, I dunno, but I hope you like it!

Reviewer: BabyGirl123 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2015 06:13 am Title: Chapter 9 - Sweet Revenge - Worshipping the Woman

Ok read all chapters and love the idea, no I don't think they went too far but they shouldn't go all the way till she's of age and even then im sure her dad will not be too happy with them being a couple

Author's Response:

Her dad wouldn't be happy with anyone though. That's what dads are like.

Reviewer: Badgirl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2015 05:58 am Title: Chapter 9 - Sweet Revenge - Worshipping the Woman

È un'ottima idea perché si desiderano. Se Janet davvero ha sentito deve farsene una ragione perché loro si amano 

Author's Response:

Totalmente d'accordo, penso che Janet sta solo cercando di proteggere il fratello però. Jordyn e Michael sono così una coppia dolce, il bit peggio sarà se e quando Robert scopre ...

Reviewer: MJfreak23 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2015 05:46 am Title: Chapter 9 - Sweet Revenge - Worshipping the Woman

Oh, Janet was most definitely listening! She gonna be fuming when they get out. I think Michael will be a gentleman and tell her that she doesn't have to repay him, but she'll still want to, I'm guessing. I mean, who wouldn't? I don't think there was any harm done with what they did, as long as it steered away from actual penetration.

Author's Response:

Which it did. Lol Janet is gonna be RILED! A little dirty talk from Mike there, but he was otherwise respectful. He acted quite gentlemanly, as far as being gentle and caring, as well as getting permission for pretty much everything he did. Jordyn was so scared though! I would've been too if I thought I was gonna piss myself on Mike's face! Probably not posting tomorrow because of work, but I'm free all weekend!

Reviewer: mjlifemate58 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2015 02:13 am Title: Chapter 8 - Janet's Meddling - Sweet Revenge

Omg that was 2 cute! I love it! Mj is so sweet with jordyn and about his prank that was 2 funny but he was wrong 4 doing that 2 her lol. I think they can hold out just fine and I love that he is respectful wen it comes 2 going all the way with her and their relationship. Being in just ur pj's is temptation within itself! Lol. I love it I started reading this story a few days ago and Im enjoying it so far. Plz keep it going will u plz! Can't wait 4 the next update!!

Author's Response:

Haha funny you should say that, I'm just finishing the next chapter now! 

Reviewer: shellymjbean1989 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2015 10:40 pm Title: Chapter 8 - Janet's Meddling - Sweet Revenge

lol dang michael is super mean lol great chapter cant wait to read more 

Author's Response:

Thanks, I'm at work tonight, but I'll update ASAP

Reviewer: JayRenea Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 04, 2015 03:33 pm Title: Chapter 8 - Janet's Meddling - Sweet Revenge

xDDDD Michael's wrong for this prank but I actually wanna see how it's going to work. I can't wait for the update, keep up the amazing job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

Haha yeah, it's just the sibling thing to do. 

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