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6:00 AM.

I awaken at the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I loathed early mornings for all I wanted to do was stay in bed and catch up on my rest. I was a busy woman indeed, but everyone needed a break now and then. But not today. I reminded myself that today was going to be the start of something new. A new journey for me to explore and to partaken in. It was something I could not get my mind off of, and it was something I had always talked about to my friends and family. A few even had to rush me off the phone and snap me back to reality. I couldn't help it, honestly. I'm working with the one and only, the king of pop, the ruler of all rulers. Okay, am I saying too much?

I giggle at the thought and rise from my comfy bed. I had to be at rehearsals by 8 AM. Sharp. Knowing that Michael was quite the perfectionist and did not fool around when it came to his craft, I made sure that I was on it and especially on time. 'No games. No fooling around. Stay. On. It.'

I look over at the clock sitting on my side table. It was 6:15, I still had a bunch of time to get ready. When it came to early mornings, I took my time due to tiredness but a nice warm shower would fix all of that.

Moving my fingers through my tousled curls, I slip on my house shoes and head towards the bathroom to freshen up.


"And 5, 6, 7, 8," choreographer Vincent Paterson spoke before dancing full out to the music playing. I quickly move along and study myself in the mirror. I always kept everything sharp and precise. Messing up was not an option.

By the end of the sequence, I pat my face with the towel that rests along my neck and move my hand up to show a 5, indicating a 5-minute break. Everything was coming along just fine, and I was excited about the whole process of my short film. Especially today. I got to work alongside the girl I had chosen for the video. Her name, it was Tatiana I believe...yeah, that was right. She was stunning and amiable. I knew everything would be just fine, that we would connect and have fun.

"Mike! Ready to go over it again?", One of the fellow dancers spoke out to me with his hands on his hips. I nod as a response.

"Yes, 1 second...", I said before reaching over to grab my cold water bottle and took a big gulp before returning to the floor.

"It's looking good; everyone seems to have the steps down. I suggest going over it only a few more times so that everything will just stick and then we can end it."

"Sounds cool to me, Mike," one dancer said.

And another...

"Same. Great job you guys."

I place my hand on my forehead and wipe off some sweat, "You guys are fantastic. Ready?...Hit it!"


"Mommy, I want to come with you!", Leila whined as I rushed through the hallway while placing an earring on. It was 7:30 and I needed to leave immediately.

"Sweetie...Pam is going to be here any minute to watch you while I'm away. I'll be back around evening time, okay? Mommy has to take care of some business", I respond before checking my appearance in the mirror. I move a curl over and out of my face then took a deep breath. Calm down, Tatiana.

Leila had huffed and crossed her arms. "I'll miss you, mommy."

Turning around, I walk towards her and kneel down. "Aw, I'll miss you too baby girl. I love you so much, okay?", I smile broadly.

"I love you too," she leans in to move her arms around my neck for a hug then finishes off with a kiss on my cheek.

I rub her back gently and kiss her forehead, "That's my girl..."

Raising up, I look down at my watch to see the time. "Where is that damn sister of mines?", I say underneath my breath.


"Oh, thank god," I rush over to the door to open it, and there she was.

"Great to see you, I love you, but I gotta go!", I walk hurriedly out the door and slam it slightly behind me.

"Wait! Aren't you...forgetting...ugh."

With widened eyes, I stop in my tracks and turn back around to open the door. "I forgot..."

Pam holds out the keys to my car, along with my brown duffle bag that held my dancing wear.

"Such a lifesaver, thank you," I chuckle and took my belongings. Leila walked up after with a cheeky smile, "Mommy! Tell Michael I said Hi, please!"

I beamed at hearing those words and leaned down to kiss the top of her head.

"I won't forget. I love you so much".

Later on...

"Are you kidding me?", I look at all the traffic before me. I was almost there. Could this morning get any worse? I was running late as it is. Why me God?

My eyes shift over to the radio to check out the time. 7:50. I had only 10 minutes to be there and who knows what could happen if I was late.

The cars in front now make their way across and then I turn onto another street before getting hit with a red light.

The building where the rehearsals took place, I could see from afar, but I knew finding a parking space was going to be a difficult situation. Out of luck, I came across the last space along the road. There is a God!


My nerves struck me like lightning as I backed up quickly yet carefully into the provided space. It only took me one try to get my vehicle situated, and then instantly I grab my belongings and storm out of the car.

"Shit," I spoke with irritation, coming across the meter along the sidewalk. This was going to take even more time. Stressed, I run my fingers through my curls and look towards the building. My legs start moving, for my body tells me to hurry, to run and that's what I did.


'Where is she?', I wondered while sitting in a chair, looking at myself in the wall-mounted glass mirror.

It was a few minutes after 8, and I kept checking the door to see if she would come through it.

My dancers were sitting in the back, chatting up a storm and taking a break after the long rehearsal.

Getting up, I started to walk back and forth for a bit. I didn't want to get the wrong impression of her, I wanted her to take this job very seriously, and everything just had to get done on time. I was a busy man and had things to do.



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