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Next Morning
I was woke up by the sound of a door opening then closing very faintly, but I didn't open my eyes. That is the usual thing that I do, I am really good at playing possum so now was the perfect time to act.
I heard sneaky footsteps, or at least footsteps trying to be sneaky. I heard the sound of light breathing right above me.
I opened my eyes to a smiling Michael, which scared the living daylight out of me. He had the creepiest smile plastered on his face.
I decided to play along with him, I knew he wanted to play Acting Stupid.
Right after I opened my eyes I screamed bloody murder, scaring Michael half to death. I instantly threw the covers over my head and hid like it was a safe haven.
He pulled the covers off of me, throwing them on the floor. I bet he was trying to turn me into a human ice sculpture, cause it was only 66 degrees in there..
And that is too cold considering all the rain we had last night. I was shivering like crazy, he was staring at me wide eyed then covered his eyes and blushed.
I wondered why he was like that then I remembered, I don't like sleeping with pajama bottoms on. I tried to pull my t-shirt down as far as possible without ripping it.
I scooted to the other side of the bed where my pants were and slung them on as fast as seemingly possible.
"Are you dressed yet?" he asked/chuckled out.
I laughed, "Yea I am now. Sorry, I thought that had told you about me doing that?"
He looked at me laughing, "Well I don't remember you telling me, but I now Know never to do that again!"
He made cutest funny face, when he did that he looked like that little 10 year old boy that I always had staring contests with. Ah, memories are great aren't they? Suddenly I had an idea pop in my head.
I threw myself at him and started tickling him.
He was laughing and screaming, "Stop! I beg of you stop! Ha ha OH PLEASE HAVE MERCY HAHA!! Oh it hurts! Ha it hurts!"
I was laughing just as hard as he was as we hit the wall and slid to the floor. I had him cornered, no where to go.
"I'm sorry Mike, but no mercy this time! This is payback for all of those years of you always being bigger than me and having the advantage of torturing me like this! Well what goes around comes right back, and you are learning that the hard way."
I finally decided to free him from the tickle monster that he now fears with passion. He got up panting from laughing so hard. he looked up at me, "Well someone's in a torturing mood today.."
I laughed, we decided to go downstairs with the rest of the family to have breakfast and quit torturing each other.

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