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Sophie walked into the courtroom facing the very man she claimed killed her husband.

Michael's family was there and her attorney, Mr. Lawson, was sitting at the table to the right of the judge's stand.

"Sophie, you made it," her attorney said shaking her hand as she sat down.

Minutes, hours passed by, as well as the witnesses and people close to Michael, it was now Sophie's turn to explain what she saw.

"Sophie Stallone, please take the stand," the judge declared over the courtroom.

Sophie nervously stood up, got sworn in, and took her seat on the witness stand.

"Now it is my understanding that you were secretly married to Michael, is that correct?" The judge asked looking at her paperwork.

Sophie took a deep breath to reveal a secret they never wanted any one to know, "Yes, Your Honor."

"Okay, please explain the events to us of the morning and afternoon of June 25, 2009," the judge said.

Sophie took another deep, ragged breath, "Well, your honor, I'm not sure what time I woke up, but I think it was close to noon. You see Michael was planning the comeback concert in London, so we were at rehearsal until two in the morning most nights. When I woke up I thought it was odd that Michael was still in bed because he usually got up earlier than me, I also found it usual that Dr. Murray and his assistant were standing over him whispering, I still don't know what they were saying. I asked them what they were doing in our room and they didn't reply. I looked at Michael and realized he wasn't breathing. I quickly sat up and shook Michael screaming for him to wake up, he didn't. I kissed him and shook him an he still didn't wake. I got out of bed and started hitting and yelling at Dr. Murray that he killed him. We fought all the way into the hallway, he was about to fall down the stairs when his assistant pulled me away. I screamed that I was going to call 911 and they told me not to, that they had everything under control. I ran into our room and got my cell phone and called 911, I said a few things and his assistant took my phone away and calmly talked to the operator. When the ambulance came, Michael's manager was already there. Michael was loaded into the ambulance and I wanted to ride with him so bad, but his Manager said that it wouldn't Wise since the paparazzi were outside the gate. When we got to the hospital Michael went into a coma and I sat by his side the whole time."

She stopped to upset to go on.

"Mrs. Stallone if you don't mind please continue," the judge said looking at her.

"He woke up for about a minute and told me that loved me more than anything in his life, he wanted me to tell the kids that he loved them dearly, and lastly that his death wasn't some accidental thing, and that is why I'm here today. I want to bring Michael the justice he deserves," Sophie finished, surprised that she wasn't crying.

"Could you please tell the court what happedned after he spoke," the judge said.

"I kissed him and he closed his eyes and a few moments later he flat lined, the doctors said they couldn't try to revive him anymore," her voice was shaky and the tears were welling up in her eyes and she couldn't hardly see.

But to her surprise no tears fell.

"Your Honor, my client would like to say something to the court on behalf on Mrs. Stallone's situation," Dr. Murray's attorney called out.

"Proceed," the judge said.

Dr. Murray stood and looked Sophie straight in the eyes but talked to the judge, "Your Honor, the witness was in the room with Mr. Jackson all night, wouldn't it be logical if she was the one being charged not me, and is it possible for any one to know what went on in that room besides her and Mr. Jackson."

Sophie's attorney stood quickly, "I object!"

The Judge banged her gavel once, "Overruled!"

Sophie had tears falling down her cheeks one by one, the anger was welling up inside her, and finally she stood up, "YOU THINK I KILLED MY HUSBAND! YOUR THE MURDERER NOT ME! DON'T TRY TO TURN THIS AROUND ON ME JUST TO SAVE YOURSELF! I LOVED HIM!"

Throughout Sophie's explosion the judge was yelling, "Mrs. Stallone!"

Evey one in the court rooms jaw were dropped as Sophie walked up to Dr. Murray and brought her voice down to an angry whisper, "I loved him. You took him away from me. And I hope you think about his three kids without a father every second, and I hope your heart breaks with guilt and pain every second."

She stormed out of the courtroom and her attorney followed her out.

Her attorney stepped into the hallway and saw Sophie sitting on a bench crying.

"How are you?" He said standing closer to the bench.

She stood quickly, "I- I feel lightheaded."

Her eyes rolled back in her head and her attorney caught as sh fainted so she wouldn't hit the ground.

She remembered one of the times Michael saved her from misery in her unconsciousness.


Mac's jeep overlooked Hollywood Hills, rolling green, with the spring sun beating down.

Sophie had her head resting on the window with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Sophie, I really love her, were getting married," Seventeen year old Macaulay Culkin spoke to his girlfriend of two years, his best friend of seven.

"You were cheating on me, I loved you," Sophie said facing him.

"I have to do this, I want to marry this girl," Mac said.

Already at sixteen, Sophie's first love was also her first broken heart.

She took a short quick breath with a long ragged exhale, "You do realize your ruining not only our love, but our friendship as well."

Mac didn't say anything he just started driving back to Sophie's house to drop her off.

"I want to go to Michael's house," she said looking out the window.

Mac took and other road and soon pulled into the gates of Neverland.

She grabbed her purse and got out.

"It's over, Sophie," Mac said looking at her for the first time of the day.


She slammed the jeep door and ran in the front door, crying.

Michael was in the family room and stood up at the sight of Sophie's red, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Is everything okay," Michael asked stepping closer to Sophie.

"Mac broke up with me to go marry some girl," Sophie said through her tears.

Michael brought Sophie to him and they stood there and hugged while Sophie cried for who knows how long.

Finally Michael spoke, "Sophie, how would you like to be my opening act on the history tour."

She looked up at him and smiled, "yes."


Sophie's eyes fluttered open to see her attorney and Janet Jackson standing over her.

"Sophie, you had me so worried," Janet said handing Sophie and cup of water and feeling her forehead.

"Thank you, Janet," Sophie said quietly.

"Anything for my little sister," Janet said smiling.

Sophie sat up slowly, "I want to help Michael, he sacrificed everything for me, and now its time I do the same."

Her attorney and Janet smiled.

Sophie knew in her heart that the love of her life would still be here if it wasn't for the man standing in that courtroom, behind those doors.

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