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Author's Chapter Notes:

Part 2 of Michael and Alisa's date! 


V: Bella Notte

Two candles stood on a small black cloth-covered table that sat under a large willow tree covered in tiny white lights. In the night the lights seemed to twinkle like a thousand fireflies, a cluster of fallen stars gifted by the Gods. Her mouth stood agape, staring at Michael's perfect setting.

"Oh Michael..."

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? I can't even think of a perfect word to describe how beautiful this is! This is...magical." A tear slipped down her cheek. "No one has ever done anything like this for me."

"I'm glad to be your first." Michael said wiping her tear away. He took her hand and led her to her chair. He moved it closer to his before pushing it out so she could sit. Alisa watched Michael take a basket from behind the tree. She chuckled to herself. They had a habit of thinking alike, remembering earlier when she'd brought lunch.

"So Mr. Jackson, what's on the menu?"

"Well mio caro (my dear)," Michael spoke in a cheesy Italian accent, "A little-uh birdie told me that you favor Italian dishes."

"Your little birdie would be correct."

"Excellent," he continued, making Alisa giggle. "I ordered a lovely alfredo from Tony's."

"Oh I love Tony's!" Alisa beamed.

"I hope you don't mind the single dish. Tony thought it would be more romantic if we shared." Alisa blushed. Tony was definitely up to something.

"No I don't mind at all." Michael took out a large silver platter from the basket and opened it, revealing steaming pasta decorated with pepper and broccoli.

"Looks delicious."

"I wouldn't think anything less from Tony." Michael said, handing her a fork letting Alisa have the first bite before digging in with a smile.


Sean, Katie, and Zeke

The three minors poked their heads out of a nearby line of bushes, observing Michael and Alisa's date.

"Oh it's beautiful!" Katie exclaimed in a whispered tone.

"What're they doing?" Sean asked.

"What does it look like?" Zeke asked, "They're eating."

"They're sharing the pasta." Katie said.

"Who would want to share?" Sean commented.

"I think it's romantic," Katie mentioned, "They make such a cute couple."

"Still gross." Sean said, shaking his head.

"Shh! They might here us!" Zeke whispered.


"Well Ms. Alisa," Michael said, "You've asked me about my work, what is it that you do?"

"I'm a librarian."

He chuckled. "I should've known. What better job for a wonderful storyteller..."

"Trust me, it's not all it's cracked up to be." She said, her voice growing sad.

"What do you mean?"

Alisa sighed. "My mother was head of the library; a friend of hers took over after she passed and when I was old enough, I took a job there, reading to the kids. And they loved it; they came around every day at the same time. But then a few years ago, the city grew too dangerous for kids to hang around it. It was a perfect place for dealers to sell their drugs so parents forced their kids to stop coming. After that, it was deserted...all the time. Now that some new gang lord is trying to take over the city, I've had to keep it closed the whole week. But I miss the old days; I miss the kids. The joy and the laughter they brought. I...I fear it may never be that way again."

Michael reached his hand over and clutched hers tight. "I'm so sorry."

Alisa smiled and squeezed back. "Thank you Michael; it means a lot that you care."

The two let the silence grow between them as they continued eating. Alisa hoped Michael wasn't looking as she struggled with finding the other end of the noodle that hung out of her mouth. As much as she sipped it up, the other end wouldn't come and suddenly, she and Michael accidentally bumped heads. But when they looked up at each other, they froze. They'd unexpectedly taken the same noodle, each having the opposite end in their mouth. Alisa felt her face turning red as Michael stared back at her. She suddenly feared what may come when she saw the sparkle of mischief in Michael's eyes once again. Michael quickly slurped up the rest of the shared noodle, reaching Alisa and leaving a peck on her puckered lips. She gasped, separating from him quickly.

"Michael!" She said astonished.

He chuckled. "I'm sorry; I've always wanted to do that."

Alisa gaped at Michael dumbfounded. Michael's kiss didn't upset her, no, she thought it was utterly romantic that they'd practically played out the classic scene from Disney's Lady and the Tramp; she'd admitted to herself may times after watching the film that she wanted to do it as well. However, she'd admired that he was bold enough to be that romantic. It was then Alisa realized Michael was more than met the eye. The shy, silent Michael was only a mask when you truly got to know him. She didn't know that her silence was killing Michael, who'd grown nervous that she was upset and angry with him for being so forward.

"Please forgive if I've made you uncomfortable." Michael apologized.

"Well it was a surprise, but I thought it was romantic, really. I've never been kissed, let alone with pasta."

Michael was stunned. Alisa was a beautiful woman, how could she go all her years without being kissed or romantically swept off her feet? She was like a princess, but why no suitors?  

"You never cease to amaze me." Michael said, shaking his head with a smile.

"Oh Michael, please stop it-

"No really. How can you not see how amazing you are?" Michael asked, "You have such a kind heart that you wear on your sleeve. You're concerned about others more than yourself, you have an imagination unlike any child and on top of that, you're intelligent and beautiful. I'm an angel? No Alisa, you're the angel in its true form."

The sincerity dripping from Michael's words was almost too much for her to handle. No one had ever spoken about her like Michael had and it made her feel so good about herself. She'd wanted to say ‘thank you,' but she couldn't say anything. She couldn't even breathe.

Michael took her hand in his, caressing the back with his thumb.

"Will you stargaze with me?"


Zeke, Katie, Sean

"Ugh, they're they go kissing again..." Sean groaned. "I don't see what's so great about it."

"They kissed just like in Lady and the Tramp." Katie sighed.

"Yeah, except instead of the spaghetti, they're eating pasta."

"Everything seems to be going good. ‘Lisa looks like she really likes Michael."

"Seems that way. They can't stop making goo-goo eyes at each other."

"Hey Sean?" Zeke cut in.


"Would you ever...you know, kiss a girl?"

"What?!" Sean exclaimed. "No way! Why, would you?"

"Heck no, man! That's gross, I- I just wanted to know if you would!" Zeke said. The two boys joined Katie in watching the two adults.

"I will never understand grownups." Sean sighed.

"I'm with you." Zeke added.

"Shh!" Katie said holding her finger to her mouth. "They might hear us!"

"You mean Alisa might hear us, I get the feeling Michael already knows we're here." Sean muttered.

"Sh! Look!" Zeke said, pointing to Michael and Alisa, who'd gotten up from their seats. "They're on the move!"

"Is this the part where Michael takes ‘Lisa to the blanket?" Katie asked curiously.

"Yeah, to stargaze."

"That sounds pretty boring to me." Sean said, "I mean, no offense to Michael or anything."

"Must be another grownup thing, staring up the stars." Zeke shrugged.

"They are pretty." Katie said, looking up at the sky.

"I guess so." Zeke added, joining her.

"Hey!" Sean smacked his friend's chest. "They're there! Let's see if we can get a closer look!"


"They're so beautiful tonight." Alisa muttered as she lied next to Michael on a dark blue blanket. The stars twinkled in silent beauty.

"Yeah, they are." Michael agreed. But little did Alisa know that Michael was staring at her, not at the starry sky. As she turned to look at him, Michael's gaze moved to the sky as he blushed, hoping she didn't catch on.

"Look," he said pointing, "there's the Big Dipper."


Michael traced the line of stars with his fingers, drawing out the constellation. "There, do you see?"

"Oh I do!" She said excitedly, "I do see it!"

"And the Little Dipper right next to it?"


The beauty of the celestial universe fascinated Alisa. She hadn't sat and taken a look at the night for quite some time.

"Have you ever heard the story about the sun and the moon?" Alisa asked Michael, staring up at the sky.

"Tell me," she heard Michael whisper. Not a demand as it may have seemed, but a request.

"Eons ago," she breathed, "When the sun and the moon were young, they never saw one another. The Moon would look upon the world and see creation change and grow. And as the world grew, so did she, till one day, man was brought forth. The Moon would hear men speaking of the Great Sun and all he did for them. He brought warmth, helped their crops grow, and was their protector in the day. In the night, man said evil things would prey upon them. This hurt Moon terribly, so for the first time, she turned her back on the world and man."

Alisa turned to Michael, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and waited patiently for her to continue. "When the Sun heard what man had done, he was furious. He said to the world, "Don't you know how fortunate you are to have her? She is your light, your guide, your protector in the night. She is the most beautiful heavenly body and you shun her?" The Great Sun threatened to turn his own back to man, but man begged and pleaded Moon to return to them. Moon, hearing the call of the world and what Sun said, slowly turned back to them, unsure if she could trust the world again. And when she did, she heard more about what Sun had said about her and...her heart warmed. She suddenly longed to see him and slowly but surely, she was falling in love with him. She moved through the night fast, yearning to see him. Until, at last, when the day and the night overlapped, she saw him. And he turned to her and smiled. "Great Moon," he said, you have come at last. I've longed to see you."

Alisa wrapped her arms around herself and continued on. "Sun spread his warmth and embraced her. And his warmth filled her, caressed her. And they came together; their first true embrace. And from that day forward, when the Sun and Moon came together, the world would call it an eclipse. For their love would shadow the Earth in darkness and allow us to see true love."

Michael smiled. "That's sweet. Tragic, but sweet. Considering that eclipses don't happen very often, they don't get to see each other. To be separated from your love for so long, it's almost unbearable don't you think?"

Michael's words made Alisa think deeply about her reply. "I do. It makes their love even more special. You know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder..."

"Or forgetful." Michael added with a crooked smile.

"Now that part, I don't know if I believe," she said, "You can never forget about your love. Not when he or she holds the other half of your heart."

Michael laughed and Alisa turned to him, chuckling. "What?"

"Nothing, I'm sorry for laughing, it's just...you're so intuitive."

"I've had years to fantasize about what I've wished for in love. As real and beautiful as the stars and as magical as...Peter Pan and Wendy." She giggled. Michael chuckled and as they faded, another silence came over them. And they were satisfied with that silence. Suddenly, a shooting star shot past her gaze and she gasped.

"My lucky star says hello." Michael told her with a grin, holding his upper body up with his arms.

"Your lucky star?" she said, sitting up with him, "Katie mentioned that to me once before..."

"I may have mentioned it to the kids once or twice. " Michael smirked, "But for my whole life, whenever I've needed a little luck, that shooting star has always been there."

"Oh really?" Alisa smirked. "And why, pray tell, would you need a little luck tonight?"

"Why wouldn't I need luck when trying to impress a beautiful woman on our first date?"

She blushed. "Michael, I don't think you can impress me more than you already have."

"I'm not so sure about that."

"Really? What else are you up to?"

"Look up."

"What? What are you-

She gasped. Not one, but many shooting stars covered the night sky with beauty Alisa had never seen in her lifetime. Her mouth stood agape in amazement. She was utterly stunned. She looked back at Michael, who grinned at her astonishment as she glanced back between him and the sky.

"But-but Michael...how are you-

He giggled. "How do you think?"

"I...I don't...I- this is impossible."

"Alisa," He picked a nearby cyani blue flower and put in her hair behind her ear. "Open up your eyes; nothing's impossible."

"Michael...y-you really are magic." He didn't answer nor comment on her statement, but he didn't need to. Alisa could see for herself; she let it go and decided to sit her head on his shoulder and watch the celestial light show.

He moved his lips close to her ear and whispered, "Make a wish."

Wish... She'd always desired a wish; a wish that would help her escape the hardships her life had cursed her with. Children could return to the library; her father could stop hitting her and get sober. Maybe even her mother could be alive once more. But in that moment, Alisa just closed her eyes and silently wished that she could have more moments with Michael. Those were the ones that made her forget, made her feel alive again.

The stars shaped into a large heart and Alisa's cheeks turned red, bashfully hiding in Michael's shoulder before observing the stars return to their usual twinkling state.

Michael looked down at the girl cuddled to his side and smiled. He too, closed his eyes and wished that he could be with Alisa and make her smile; for as long as his heart should beat and the Earth turn.

"Alisa," Michael set his hand atop hers and she turned to him, his face only inches away from her own.

"Y-yes Michael?" she breathed nervously. She could feel his breath on her face.

"About what you said earlier, your desire to love as magical as Peter Pan and Wendy..."

She nodded for him to continue. "Did Peter truly love Wendy?"

His question surprised her. "Well-um...I think so, yes. He may not have known what love was with Wendy because he was only a boy, but their relationship was stronger than many. And that strength- that bond- comes from love."

He didn't say anything, but Alisa took it as silent satisfaction. He just gazed back at her with his beautiful brown eyes, still close. But she didn't mind.

"Alisa," He whispered softly, making chills run down her spine.

"Yes?" She whispered back. Her gaze suddenly made him nervous and he looked down at their touching hands.

"I-I've been alone...for a very long time. And ever since I was young, there's been this...hole in my heart. Spending time with Zeke, and Katie, and Sean, it's filled the hole in many ways." He took her hand in his. "But when I'm with you...it's almost like...that hole never existed."

 His gaze was still on their now intertwined fingers. Alisa loved the feeling of his hand on hers. Each of his digits caressed hers as if she were a delicate treasure that needed to be gently cared for. She felt safe, protected.

"Moon shines down on this good evening," Michael sang softly, "One warm kiss in this cold night air..."

Alisa swore her heart stopped as the angelic voice embraced her ears; as she looked back up at Michael, she was soon entranced by his stare, unable to look away as she listened closely to his words.

"And if these words could keep you happy, I'd do anything. And if you feel alone, I'll be your shoulder." Michael sang, caressing one of Alisa's cheeks with his index finger. "With a tender touch, you know me so well. Somebody one said. It's the soul that matters. Baby, who can really tell when two hearts belong so well..."

Michael's lyrics made Alisa smile, cheeks glowing red; she closed her eyes as he continued, leaning into his touch and letting Michael's song take over her as he continued. "Maybe the walls will tumble, and the sun may refuse to shine. And when I say I love you, baby you gotta know that's for all time. Baby, you gotta know that's for all time..."

Alisa opened her eyes as Michael ended, his eyes full of passion as Alisa covered his hand that held her cheek with her own. She hummed softly, moving into his touch.

"Oh Michael, that was beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you..." Again, Alisa blushed. She was beginning to think she would never stop blushing when she was with him. Michael leaned in slowly and a myriad of emotions swirled up inside her; nervousness, excitement, but also tranquility as she quickly silenced her butterflies and her eyes fluttered shut.

And as they shared their first kiss, Alisa had never felt more complete. Michael was gentle, his lips like sweet mint. Even with his lips, Michael somehow made her feel protected, cared for. Her fingers unconsciously tangled into his soft curls, adamant on staying close to him. She never wanted to breathe again, if it meant she could kiss Michael forever. His hand softly grasped the back of her neck, holding her to him. Michael could taste her cherry chapstick, and held back a moan; she was a drug and he was slowly becoming addicted. He couldn't get enough of her. Their lips gradually parted, foreheads connecting. Both breathed softly, trying to catch their breath; she opened her eyes and was once again united with Michael's passionate gaze. He smiled, and she in return.


They walked back home in silence. Peaceful silence. No words need be said. Alisa cuddled to Michael's arm, her head resting on his shoulder. Michael's head rested atop hers. Neither one looked at the other, there was no need. The grins imprinted on their faces said it all. Michael silently removed Alisa's grasp as he took her hand in his, their fingers intertwining once more. Alisa didn't think her smile could possibly get any bigger; but she was wrong. As they finally reached the familiar stoop, the two young adults reluctantly separated from each other. Michael gave Alisa's hand one last caress and a gentle kiss before letting her go.

"Tonight, was the most magical night of my life." She said, "Thank you Michael."

"I hope this means I can take you out again." He asked shyly.


Her definite answer made Michael grin. He leaned in, leaving a kiss on her cheek before saying, "Good night Alisa."

Alisa, disappointed with Michael's cheek kiss, found a singe of confidence and took Michael's hand, bringing him back to her and kissed him on his lips, surprising both Michael and herself. She parted their quick passionate kiss, leaving Michael speechless in a daze.

"Goodnight Michael." She blushed, stepping up the four stoop steps to the door. Unlocking it, she heard Michael say, "Tomorrow."

She turned her head to him. "What?"

"C-can I see you...tomorrow?"

She smiled. "I'd love that."

He grinned. "Then until tomorrow, my lady Alisa." He bowed dramatically.

She curtseyed in return. "Until tomorrow, my lord Michael."

She gave him one last smile before shutting the door. Michael sighed in his dream state, suddenly feeling like the happiest man on Earth. He jumped cheerfully, thanking God that the night had gone so perfectly. He danced like Gene Kelly in Singin' in the Rain all the way back home, purposely tiring himself out so he may sleep and see her in his dreams.

As soon as she shut the door, Alisa her head on the back of it, going into her own dream-like state. She slipped her feet out of her heels, letting them drop to the floor with a click. Her back leaned against the door now, as she let herself slide to the floor with a sigh. Michael was the perfect man. The perfect gentleman, perfect everything. She stepped through the hall, stopping at Zeke's door and opening it with a gentle creak, checking in on the seemingly sleeping little ones. She smirked as she saw that they were all in their specific sleeping arrangements, snoring soundly. She somehow felt their presence during she and Michael's date and knew in herself that her suspicions were correct; but she ultimately decided to let it go. They were back and safe in bed and in the end that was what mattered most.

She shut the door and walked to her room, changing into her long, silk nightgown, She opened her window and took a seat on her fire escape, looking out into the night. Just as she and Michael had done earlier that night, she gazed up at the stars; she noticed that the stars were not as visible from the city with the many streetlights blocking their beauty. But Alisa did notice the familiar shooting star that shot across the never-ending sky and she grinned, whispering only the owner's name.


Chapter End Notes:

Hope you guys liked the date chapter! I switched some of the lyrics for For All Time, just so it would match up perfectly with them Please review! No silent readers for this chapter! I must know what you liked or even what you didn't like. Take out the time for one sentence review please! More reviews, faster the chapter! Much more is in store for these two! 

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