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Arabella order at least twenty pairs of black slacks for them, as well as a few pairs of jeans; blue, and black. She then began to search CTE shirts for Dangerous along with a few button ups, some sweaters and flannel for Thriller, some CTE shirts for Bad and a few sweaters, button ups, etc. Arabella ordered History CTE shirts and button ups. Unknowing of the Invincible era was, nor the This Is It era, she left them go until further notice. She ordered a pair of loafers for each of them in black, and a pair of Jordan's - in black and white. She was doing some serious shopping for them, spending a over two thousand. She bought them toothbrushes, hair brushes, etc etc etc. She called her father up, to make sure it was okay, he never asked what she was buying, usually he thought it was a new phone, camera, guitar, piano. Unlike her mother, she was be asking to see what she was buying.

Arabella called him up, it began to ring. "Hey baby girl! What's up?" He said in joyful mood. "Is it okay if I spend 2,654 dollars?" She asked, knowing it was be a yes. "Yeah, I'll put it on your credit card tomorrow," He smiled, kind of oblivious to her. "Thanks Dad, when are you and Mom coming home?" Arabella spun around in her desk chair. "I wanted to tell you this next week. We're not coming home until either February or March." He spoke with sadness. "But I'm turning 20. You have to be here." she felt her heartache. "I know sweetheart, but mom and I have important business. But for Christmas, Mom and I are putting around three thousand to five thousand on your card, and another three thousand for food, Edgar, clothing, and whatever you buy." He sniffled. "Whoa, why so much?" She asked sitting up, confused of to why so much money. "Mom and I got a promotion along with another job as photographers." he spoke, a sound began to become fuzzy. "That's awesome!" She smiled. "I'll put the money in later on today or sometime early tomorrow. But, I'm sorry sweetheart, I have to go. The signal sucks here. I will maybe call you later, depends on the signal, busyness, and the battery. I love you, Bella." He spoke, the sound going in and out. "I love you, thank you." She hung up. She sighed.

"What's wrong?" Dangerous sat at the windowsill. "Well, it's good thing but a bad thing. My parents aren't coming home until either February or March, they're going to be missing out on my birthday again, for the fourth time." Arabella teared up, "My dad is going to be giving me about eight thousand dollars though for food, clothing and so on." Arabella's face was filled with sadness. "Arabella, I'm so sorry." Dangerous hugged her. "It's alright, it's not your fault." She smiled, "How about we make some food?" she thought. Dangerous nodded his head. "Let's go," she grabbed his hand. 

Dangerous and Arabella ran downstairs, seeing Bad and another Michael from the Invincible Era sitting on the couch. "Oh for fucks sake!" Arabella groaned, another Michael inside her household. Invincible was wearing an all white outfits - shirt, and pants. He was wearing gold knee guards, and his hair was short. "Am I intruding?" Invincible asked looking at her. "Oh, no! I wasn't expecting you. That's all." She flashed him a smile. "Oh," he whispered under his breath. "Dangerous and I are going to make some food. Bad, can you get Thriller?" Arabella asked backing up into the kitchen. Bad nodded his head and ran upstairs. "I'm Arabella, you may call Bella and-or Belle." She went into the kitchen. 

Dangerous stood by her side, kind of shy around the new Michael in the house. "What are we eating?" Dangerous asked leaning asked the marble counter. "Something small, but it fills you up!" She spoke taking a container of regular yogurt out, raspberries, and granola. "It's actually really filling, I use it for my diets." She spoke taking seven small bowls out. Bad and Thriller came into the kitchen, shoving each other a little bit. "Oh shit!" She yelled bug-eyed, "Where's History?!" 

Arabella ran up stairs into the second floor. "History?" She called out, running to the party room. He wasn't in there. "History?" she called out once again. Running to her room. Arabella saw History sleeping on her bed. Arabella gave a soft giggle. "It's so surreal that you're all here," she spoke softly. 

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