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     "Michael? Michael? come on little brother wake up." Jackie said while gently shaking Mike back to life. Michael turned his head all over slowly opening his eyes seeing only blurs of the rest of the kids; soon, his vision came back. "J-Jackie? wha-what happened?" "You got swatted by that T-Rex and then he took April." Marlon said speaking for his older brother. Standing up in an instant, Michael started to walk away but Tito grabbed him by his arm literally picking him up.

"Hey what's the big idea?" "Mike come on think straight we can't just go, get April and have that giant dinosaur run after us; we have to think of a plan to get her back in the most appropriate way possible then take down that over-grown lizard." Tito said the last part in the darkest tone yet that the others winced. "Tito's right; but what are we going to do?" Jermaine asked. The others scratched their heads and chins until Michael got an idea; going over to some little rocks, he looked for the smallest one; eyeing it and smiling, he picked it up and asked Tito if he could borrow his hammer and chisel; he set to work sculpting the rock into the shape of a slingshot. "Wow, Michael I didn't know you could make and build things" Rachel said clearly impressed. "Hey I learned from the master himself." Winking at Tito who did the same, he finished getting as much pebbles he could get filling his pockets of his bell-bottoms. 

"Awesome work there Bro! now we need to figure out on how to distract him." Jackie huddled them planning some strategies; grinning at each-other, they then made a group high-5 and were on their way.

Meanwhile, the T-Rex, with April still hanging from his teeth (and of course yelling and kicking in the air in the process,) decided to take a rest. Placing the Brunette down on top of a large tower of boulders, he yawned his gigantic and monstrous yawn, he lay down and closed his eyes. April looked at him with a blank stare blinking twice and breathed out a sigh of relief. "Hopefully he'll be like that for a while; oh Michael, I sure hope you and the others come soon." She made a silent prayer of hopes of being rescued sooner or later.

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