Penname: 7moonwalker7 [Contact] Real name:
Member Since: Jun 28, 2015
Membership status: Member

I'm girl from Finland who loves Michael Jackson!  :) b25;

Gender: Female
Age: 12-15
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Reviews by 7moonwalker7

A young, single, and downtrodden mother named Alessandra gives up on love and life. However, she runs into her high school crush and best friend. Sounds just about ordinary, but not when his name is Michael Jackson.



Categories: Dangerous: 1991-1993, Adult, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Characters: Original Girl
General Warnings: Some Scenes of an Explicit Sexual Nature
Trigger Warnings: Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 35 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 88690 Read Count: 18476
[Report This] Published: Feb 05, 2015 Updated: May 23, 2020
Reviewer: 7moonwalker7 Signed
Date: Jun 28, 2015 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11 (Human Nature)


Reviewer: 7moonwalker7 Signed
Date: Jun 28, 2015 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11 (Human Nature)


Author's Response:

thank you so much, girl! and I got another chapter brewing!