Reviews For beautiful ruins
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Reviewer: HeleneJacksonxx Signed [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2014 01:46 pm Title: Chapter 12

I love this story! <3

Author's Response:

Thank you, I spend so much time planning out story lines and doing research to make sure it seems as realistic as possible, so I really appreciate it :)

Reviewer: femalien Signed [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2014 11:47 am Title: Chapter 12

Maybe Michael should get some courage and open up to Lena about his feelings. I am sure he wants to be more than friends with her and given time she will learn to trust him.

Author's Response:

I really wanna reply to this but I do t wanna give sway the story, so I'll just say it'll all make sense in the next few chapters.

Reviewer: neece Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 23, 2014 02:30 pm Title: Chapter 11

I love this story!!!!! I also like your other ones too. Please keep updating on all of them!!!!! You are doing a wonderful job!!!!! 

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading and likeing them, I really appreciate it :) I'm working on an update for Burn right now. I have no clue when I'm gonna make another short for KINK tho.

Reviewer: TifftayluvsMJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 22, 2014 11:03 pm Title: Characters

Hey, hey, hey, I'm Tiffany, new reader here. First let me say that your writing style is impressive! You are good! This story has caught me already, now I'm not going to be able to go to bed on time lol. Good thing I have no class or work tomorrow. 

Jay is a jigaboo for just up and leaving her with two damn kids, like you been with this chick since high school though really dude? I am bugging. Ok, I need to read more now!!!

P.s. Kunda sent me here and I'm glad she did. She's right, you are grrrrrreeeeaaaat

Oh and the twins are adorable! also Jason is fine.....he looks like he should play Christian Grey in the upcoming Fifty Shades movie. Ok, I'm done ranting, on to reading! 

Author's Response:

Aww, well thank you. Sorry for keeping you up lol I'm really glad you enjoy my story. I've spent so much time doing research and trying my best to make it as realistic as possible. Plus I've tried so hard to make it portray Michael the way he was in real life and not an alternate universe version of him. And yeah Jay is a piece, just wait till you find out why he left.

OMG Kunda is a sweetheart and a fabulous writter, I just adore her.

Let me know what you think when you're all caught up :)

Reviewer: Kunda Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 22, 2014 09:48 pm Title: Chapter 11

Michael be too damn cute with Lena and those babies tho. Tell ya what if I were Lena I'd be singing some BEYONCE taking about crazy in love uh oh and shit. 

You've literally convinced me to have twins. Kam and Mya are so precious. I want them!!! <333 I love them.

Author's Response:

Michael was just so damn cute with babies that I can't help but to write him like that with Kameron and Mya. You have no clue how much I LOVE twins. I have a tiny facination with them. Just wait until the next chaper, it's gonna be too adorable.

Reviewer: Kunda Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 22, 2014 09:45 pm Title: Chapter 11

Michaels got you feeling emotions, higher than the heavens above. *really high mc classic whisper registry* heeeeeeeee

Reviewer: Kunda Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 12, 2014 06:45 pm Title: Characters

No probs girl. I'm always excited to see an update from you. You're one of the best! 

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 12, 2014 04:22 pm Title: Chapter 10

Aww, I'm glad they didn't get all angry with each other and stop talking. I hope Lena will let go of Jay soon and go for Michael!

Author's Response:

She's trying to get over him, but it's so hard for her. The Neverland chapter is next tho :D

Reviewer: Kunda Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 12, 2014 02:13 pm Title: Chapter 10

I love her in laws! Denis Quade Hottttt and that woman whose name I don't know Hottttt. 

This was a sweet chapter. 

Author's Response:

Omg I just love Dennis Quaide,. But I forgot what her name was too lol. But that's for reading and always reviewing :)

Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2014 11:34 am Title: Chapter 9

Ugh, I wonder how much longer they can deny the connection they share. On a side note, the Halloween night was hysterical funny! Please update soon!

Author's Response:

Haha you'll have to wait and find out, but I'm glad you liked the halloween sccene. I really loved writing it.

Reviewer: Kunda Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2014 10:59 am Title: Chapter 9

*fist pumpin* kiss! kiss! kiss! kiss!

Author's Response:

Maybe next time or not, we'll see

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 23, 2014 10:18 am Title: Chapter 9 close!! *sigh*

Author's Response:

I know right? lol

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2014 04:32 pm Title: Chapter 8

Aw they've really grown attached to him so fast, it's like they've known him forever. XD I adore how Michael is with children, this fanfic truly represents Michael irl. :))

Can't wait for more. This is the first time in ages I've sat and read 8 chapters in a row haha. XD

Author's Response:

Thank you, I've tried so hard to make it a realistic as possible. I'm glad you like it enough to read all of it in one sitting.

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2014 04:30 pm Title: Chapter 6

Aw Michael is so darn sweet :') I'm happy he ditched 'asshole' mode. Michael and Lena are really hitting it off good now.

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 13, 2014 04:26 pm Title: Chapter 5

* Their (I cba redoing my review)

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