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Author's Chapter Notes:



How was your first day of the year?





( Told you I'm going to update MORE often! )






,,Yes,they are here.Yes,Jayden,the pictures are bright and clear...don't worry,nobody knows our plan.....yet...." 

She studied her surroundings for a moment.

,,Uh,yes..but I would like to know  WHEN all of this is going to be know to the whole world..........................2-3 days? Pretty much,I guess.......but you know what? I don't care ! All I want it revenge,and I'm going to GET IT ! " as she heard noises.

Amelia looked around her.Nobody.

,,............Have a NICE day,Jayden ! See you........................................on the NEWS! " as she closed the conversation with a bright but mischevious smile.


10 :30 A.M.

Still in Japan.



,,2 more shows,right? "  I asked him.

He nodded. ,,And then we're on a little break.....about one week."

,,Yay! " as I lifted my arms in the air.

He giggled. ,,You're such childish.......that's one of the reasons of WHY I LOVE you..."

,,Mmmm.....I love you more! " as he took me into ANOTHER tight embrance ...he knows I love them.

,,Ow,ow,ow....my back,Mike..." I said.

,,Sorry...but you're too adorable..." as he giggled.

I smiled.Suddenly,the phone went on.

,,I'll go and get it . " I responded before he could reply.

He remained on the sofa,watching me walking.

,,You know,I could watch you ALL day and NIGHT and NEVER get tired of your breathtaking image..." as he smiled.

I giggled and picked up the phone.

,,Hello? " 

,,Oh,hi ,Ariel! Nice to hear you? How are you?" Frank said.

,,Um,I'm very good,Frank,thank you for asking...how  about you?"

,,Great ! It's Mike there? " 

I looked over to see Michael but.........no Michael....

,,Um ....well....I don------ " as I jumped a little.

Of course,I SHOULD have known.....he LOVES too scare me......

He kissed my cheeks ,while smirking and said :

,,Missed me? "

I looked at him and replied.  ,,NO."

He laughed.

,,Good,me neither."

I stuck my tongue at him.

He seemed surprised at my reaction ,then shaked his head and started to leave.

,,Wait! Frank's on the other line and he would like to speak to you."

,,Oh..." as he took the receiver.

I watched him closely.He seemed so peaceful...



,,So,she sent them or not?" Michael asked.

,,No...at least not right now...but I've seen her this morning with them ...she kept looking arounf her many times...." Frank answered.

,,Ok....well....as I said....let all of this on me.....all you have to do is to keep an eye on her..alright? Thank you Frank...you're my right hand ! Have a nice day ! " as he closed the conversation.



9:45 P.M 


Meanwhile,I positioned myself in front of the TV,watching a film....too BAD I didn't understand a THING! I looked on the window.

I heard footsteps approaching.

I grinned.

Just as he reached near the sofa,I put  my foot in front of him ,to create an obstacle.....................and he fell .


I laughed loudly.

,,Hey ! What was that for? " he asked as he laughed too.

I shrugged. ,,Don't know,but I LIKE doing it on you..."

He smirked.

,,Oh NO...." I thought while scooting further into the fluffly sofa.

,,What's wrong,my dear? ....." as he grinned brighter. ,,Scared? "

,,No....but judging by your face,you have SOMETHING planned." I responsed simply.

,,Good point.....yes,I do....want to find out? " as he pinned my hands down.


,,Yes,you do."


He giggled.

Then leaned into my face to plant a kiss on my forehead.

,,I LOVE YOU." he whispered slowly to my ear.

I took a deep breath.

Then looked into his eyes.

,,I LOVE YOU more! " 

He smiled.

,,Give me your love" he replied,and with that ,he took me by surprise and kissed me passionately.

I couldn't be more happier than I am now....


The next day. At the stadium.


,,And the light will go off at my cue." Michael said to the technicians.

They nodded.

Working with Michael was NEVER hard....He tells you what he wants,you do it,and if you want,you can suggest ideas too....Michael LOVES to hear others opinions....

,,Ok,one more time with the lights! " one of the technicians called.

Suddenly,Michael looked to his right.And to his......let's say......surprise......he saw....HER.


,,Exactly the person who I want to see..." Michael thought.


He walked towards her.

Amelia turned her attention from what she was doing and looked surprised at Michael.

,,Mr. Jackson ! What a nice surprise ! " she said in a fake voice.

He tried to smile a little.

,,Good to see you too,Amelia ! I would like to have a talk to you......NOW. Come,let's go into a private area to talk." as he lead her.

She looked confused at him,but accepted.


,,Now..." as he closed the door.

,,Yes? " she questioned.

Michael looked at her straight in the eyes.

,,The photos." he stated simply.

,,What? " 

,,The photos. " he repeated.

,,What photos? " as she took a step back.

,,Of me and Ariel." 

,,I have no such thing.Why would you say that? " as she furrowed.

,,Come on,Amelia ! You KNOW what I want. NOW." as he took a step towards her.

,,You and Ariel? I don't know her ! " 

,,Yes you do."

,,It's a possibility that I might seen her somewhere ,but I didn't know it was her..."

He laughed lowly.

,,NOW,.....stop it........You are trying to .......distroy our image,right? ..."

Before she could reply,he interrupted.

,,.....Maybe......to make MORE money? Isn't the salary satisfying?.....or you're JUST one of THEM? "

,,Mr. Jackson ! I would NEVER do such thing! " Amelia exclaimed.

,,Yes,you would do.....I don't try to be rude at all.....but I sensed you from the FIRST time.......The photos,please! " 



,,I don't have them."


Suddely,she could hold on anymore.

,,SO WHAT? WHAT if I'm ,, ONE of THEM" ? Celebrities think that they can have ALL! Someone needs to PUNISH them ! "

Michael smiled.

,,See? You haven't learned ANYTHING from this tour....from all the members........this tour ISN'T about bussines.........about money............................it's about LOVE.....meeting face-to-face with the ones I love...." he said.

She smiled bitterly.

,,Don't CARE ! " she screamed.

She turned and searched into her bag.

,,Is THIS what you were looking for? " as Michael showed the photos to Amelia.

,,From whre did you get them?  " she questioned,while clentching her teeth.

,,That's NONE of your bussines.....you know......I'm not even surprised by your actions....I've know your type of people since I was a child.....Mrs.Amelia.......I am going to go STRAIGTH to the POINT : Leave us ALONE.! Live a life! You only have ONE! ......Have a nice day! " as he ripped the pictures.

,,WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????????!!!!!!!!! " she exclaimed while putting her hand on her head.

He smirked.

When he put the hand on the door's handler,he stopped.


,,You know why I LOVE my fans? ..........Because ,no matter what my decisions implies,they still LOVE me.......they FIGHT with me through ALL the madness.....they know me........they would NEVER want to see me hurt.........that's ONE of the reasons of WHY I LOVE them.............yesterday ,I saw a pannel in which a fan wrote : ,,If you PISS me off ONE more time,I'll go THRILLER on your .....butt..." as he smiled. 




,,I never thought I would say such thing,but............................................................................That's EXACTLY what I'm going to do if I will hear ONE more stupid thing..........and not only on you....but on ALL of you.............................................Savy? " 


And with that,he left,smiling brightly.

The battle was over.

Amelia sat there with her mouth hanging open,with her eyes wide and.........just starring at the white closed door.

Instead of screaming,shouting,swearing and so on,she kept a ,,calm" composture.


,,Good." was the only reply she gave.



Chapter End Notes:


Isn't this picture......










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